UX and UI Design

March 9, 2021

The main differences between UX and UI

A great product experience starts with UX followed by UI. Both are essential for the product’s success.

The main difference to bear in mind is this:

UX design is all about the overall feel of the experience, while UI design is all about how the product’s interfaces look and function.
  • UX design usually comes first in the product development process, followed by UI. The UX designer maps out the bare bones of the user journey; the UI designer then fills it in with visual and interactive elements.
  • UX can apply to any kind of product, service, or experience; UI is specific to digital products and experiences.

How does UX and UI design work togather

You might be wondering if one is more important than the other, but the reality is, they’re both crucial to the success of the project.

UX and UI go Hand in Hand

While there are millions of examples of great products with one and not the other, imagine how much more successful they might have been when strong in both fields.

Probably you have come across a really beautiful website only to find that, beyond the mind-blowing animations and on-point color scheme, it’s actually a real pain to use? Good UI can never make up for bad UX; it’s like picking up a beautifully decorated cake that actually tastes awful when you bite into it.

UX and UI are not areas to Skimp on

They are both essential parts of product development and delivery. Research shows that customer experience drives revenue growth.

UX and UI are an investment in the product or service

The product or service is what customers are spending money on. If spending their money does not reap the reward they want, they will shift their investment to a product that does.

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